Entergy Arkansas has announced completion of significant reliability upgrades in the Harrisburg community aimed at modernizing aging infrastructure, increasing resilience and reducing the risk of power interruptions.
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Entergy Arkansas leaders past and present gathered with state and county officials to mark the 100th anniversary of Remmel Dam. The first dam constructed on the Ouachita River, Remmel Dam has been providing safe and reliable hydroelectric power to the state of Arkansas for the last century.
Entergy Arkansas is working with the City of Little Rock to ensure neighborhoods are build back better and stronger after the March 31 tornado.
Contract workers boost local economy; work ensures continuation of clean, reliable energy
Entergy Arkansas customers in Corning will experience improvements in the reliability and quality of their electric service as a result of $104,656 in maintenance and upgrades completed recently.
Residents in El Dorado may have noticed trucks and crews around town working on a significant equipment upgrade. Workers are scheduled to rebuild transmission lines through the middle of November. There will be more work in substations from December through February, although not as visible to customers.
Contract workers for Entergy Arkansas, Inc. will be trimming trees near power lines in the Searcy area through November.
Economic development and electrical system modernization are the hallmarks of Entergy Arkansas' blueprint to enhance reliability and provide the power to grow business in the state.